Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Speedy Salad

I have been going nonstop for over a week. Hence, why I have not had a new post in quite a while! I feel like the Energizer Bunny.

Keep going, going going...

I started my new position as Sales Associate last week and it definitely has some many more responsibilities. But I love it so that's all that matters! However, with being on the go and on my feet the entire day I come home absolutely spent and exhausted. All I want to do is elevate my feet and pass out. I'm even too tired to cook myself a meal every night. So I had to come up with a solution to this problem. About 30 minutes of prep work and $6.24 later, I have a meal for each night of the week! Cha-ching!

I love salad and could eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I could never get sick of the stuff. The price and time will vary by person in regards with the type of veggies that are bought and how quickly one can dice and chop.

The finished product!

Aly's Weekly Salad
1 head iceberg lettuce
1 bag spinach
1 cucumber
1 red pepper
1 orange pepper
2 Roma tomatoes
1 pound carrots

The ingredients!

-Wash and chop the veggies.
-Package in separate containers.
-Store in the fridge and enjoy at leisure!


It's great coming home from a long day at work and having a meal ready in less than a minute. If you're a salad lover like me, then you surely will love this grand idea too!

Question of the Day

What is your favorite TV show?

While I chop up my veggies for the week I usually watch Chopped on the Food Network. I love that show! It combines food and competition, two of my passions in life.

Perfectly paired with a glass of wine.

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