Saturday, November 17, 2012

Reality Check

Hooray! Woohoo! Hurrah! Woopie!

After the Color Run!

I am excited. Can you tell? Do you want to know what I'm excited about? I have finally gotten back into the swing of things with working out. Not only am I excited, I'm also relieved. When I first started working for Nabisco it was a huge transition from being a college student to a full-time employee. At first I was able to run a little here and there but then my workload increased tremendously once I got the promotion to a Sales Associate. My day would consist of waking up, eating breakfast, going to work, coming home, and passing out from exhaustion since I am on my feet all day. I felt like a robot with absolutely no life.

Do you remember Rosie the Robot from The Jetsons?

My family and friends kept saying that it takes a month or two to get used to a job and I just did not want to believe them. My stubborness was definitely showing its true colors. So my fitness level decreased and so did a little spark inside of me as well. Running is a way that I can unwind and have some peace and quiet and a moment to just myself. When I was not running for about a month or two, a little piece of me went missing.

But I have found that piece again and put the puzzle back together. I have made a few adjustments with my workouts. I have always preferred running in the morning, but I realize that it's just not possible with work beginning around 6am every morning. So once I get home from work, I change into my workout gear, lace up my running shoes, and head out the door. I get that time to myself once again to clear my mind. Every Monday evening I also go to a Fitness Club that I joined and workout for an hour with a great bunch of people! It's a great way to change up fitness routines for a better overall healthy living.

I also signed up for a 5k which will take place in about a month! I'm beyond excited to have something to work towards. It was hard for me to accept that I'm now training for a 5k and a little over a year ago I finished the Columbus Full Marathon. It was a major reality check but I need to accept the fact that I just do not have the time to train for a marathon at this point in my life.

Ran my first marathon in 4:15:48

So on December 15, I plan on kicking the Doomsday Dash right in its behind!

Question of the Day

What motivates you to workout?

I love ice cream. I've probably mentioned it a few thousand times before. Yet, I know eating ice cream daily is not very friendly on the waistline. So running is my motivation to workout so then I can devour that ice cream and not feel guilty about it!


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